“When you bring me home, I’m still a baby and you are taking me away from everything I’ve ever known. You’re taking me away from my mum and my brothers and sisters – and I’ve never been on my own before. Suddenly my life has changed, and everything is different.
You are strange people that I don’t know and don’t trust yet. All the sights and sounds and smells are different. And I don’t know where I am or what I am supposed to be doing. Please be patient and understanding with me and gently help me learn about this new world I am in.”
3. I will make mistakes!
“No matter how much I want to please you, I am not toilet trained yet. My mum used to make sure I didn’t go to the toilet in the bit of the puppy pen where we slept, and the human I used to live with would give me a treat when I went outside – so that must be good – but I can’t go all the way through the night, as I’m just not developed enough. Please make it clear where I should go to the toilet by taking me there when I need to go and giving me treats when I get it right so I understand what you want but please also remember that until I am a bit older, I can’t hold on all through the night – so please take me out at least once so I am not uncomfortable or go to the toilet in the wrong place.”
4. Please don’t hug me
“I know I am cute and gorgeous but please don’t give me big hugs and cuddles. We dogs don’t hug and so don’t understand it. Sometimes it can be really scary – as even if I don’t like it, I am so tiny I can’t get away and just have to put up with it, which makes it even worse. I’ve heard that some dogs dislike it so much that they wait until there are bigger and stronger and then make sure everyone knows how much they don’t like it and really, I don’t want to have to do that.”
“While some people think they should pat me on the head, I can find it scary. Please either stroke me on my chest, side or on my chin and around my ears. I quite like bottom scratches too.”