Can dogs eat pancakes?
Yes, dogs can eat a little bit of plain pancake, without syrups, cream or chocolate on top. Fruit is one topping you can give your dog in moderation – but only specific types. Dogs can eat a bit of pancake with banana, strawberries or blueberries, but never grapes.
Many dogs are lactose intolerant, so large amounts of pancake could give them diarrhoea. Less commonly, dogs can suffer from wheat intolerance, which could also result in a stomach upset.
Can dogs eat pancakes with syrup?
Dogs should not eat pancakes with syrup. Syrup has a very high sugar content which is bad for your dog and can cause stomach upsets. Some syrups also contain additives which are potentially harmful to your dog so it’s best to avoid them altogether; for example, sugar-free syrups often contain xylitol which is highly toxic to dogs.
If you’re a fan of peanut butter on pancakes, remember this is another treat that should only be fed in very small amounts – and again, check it doesn’t contain xylitol.
Are pancakes good for dogs?
Pancakes are not good or healthy for dogs but as long as your dog doesn’t have lactose or wheat intolerances and the pancakes are plain, your dog should be fine to eat them in moderation.
Pancakes have limited nutritional value so your pooch should be getting all of their nutrients from a balanced dog diet. Read the guide for more information.