Introducing Your New Cat to Your Other Pets

Cats are famously independent, which is one reason why they are so well suited as pets, especially for those who don’t want a furry friend that’s overly needy. 

This personality trait can have a flip side, though, as it can potentially make them a bit anti-social and unpredictable. So, if you’re wondering how to introduce a kitten to a dog or a cat, the first thing to know is that you’ll have to be patient, understanding and approach with care – with a bit of time, everyone should get on just fine. 

Bringing a kitten home 

The good news is that adult cats tend to be much more welcoming to kittens or young cats than other adults. If both cats are neutered, better still (providing your vet advises that the kitten’s old enough to be neutered). 

Before bringing a kitten home, or in the first few days of introducing a kitten to a cat, get your existing cat used to the smell of their new companion. Swap their bedding back and forth over the first week and, if either cat gets angry or distressed around the scent, try to offer calm reassurance by associating the new scent with a positive experience, such as a tasty treat. 

While cats and dogs can be great friends, or live quite happily together even if they’re not, some pets should be kept away from cats. Small furry animals, like rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, gerbils and chinchillas, as well as reptiles, must be protected at all times from cats. 

Letting the cat settle in the new home 

The priority, when introducing a new cat to your current cat or dog is to help both pets feel relaxed in each other’s company. So, to make the process easier, it’s important that your cat is first comfortable with the new surroundings. 

Before starting the introduction process, it’s best to keep both pets apart for a while. Give your new cat a room of their own where they can settle in for a few days with their own food, warm bed, water bowls, and a litter tray. Use one or two synthetic pheromone spray and plug-in diffusers around the house, especially in rooms where your pets are living, as these can help them relax and accept the presence of other pets. 

Getting the introduction process started

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How to introduce a new cat to your cat? 

If you're bringing a second cat home where an adult cat already lives, follow these tips to make introductions safer and more successful for you all: 

If all goes well, your two cats should become great friends, playing with each other and washing and grooming together, but be patient. This sort of relationship can take time to develop and won’t happen the first time you introduce your new kitten to your cat. 

If they seem genuinely uncomfortable in each other’s company, and there are no signs of improvement, separate them and ask your vet for more cat advice. They may recommend a feline behaviourist who can offer you specialist help. 

There’s a useful two-week rule of thumb when trying to build a friendship between cats. If you’ve spent two weeks following the above advice but, despite your best efforts, you still end up with two feline personalities that simply don't mix, ask yourself whether the new cat would be happier in a home elsewhere. It may be kinder to both cats to consider re-homing your new cat with a family that can provide them with a warm welcome from every family member. 

How to introduce a kitten to a dog?

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Introducing a potentially nervous cat to an excitable dog must be handled carefully for the welfare of both pets. If you’re wondering how to introduce a cat to a dog, the most important thing to keep in mind is safety – the dog’s as well as the cat’s. 

An over-excited dog or puppy can easily harm a kitten and a frightened cat can do a lot of damage with its claws. So take things slowly, concentrate on both pets’ needs and you can foster a wonderful friendship based on mutual respect.  

Even if your existing dog is used to cats – and is unlikely to raise so much as an eyebrow at a new cat or kitten - it’s still important to take great care with introductions. Follow our helpful tips for a hassle-free introduction. 

Establish individual cat/dog areas 

Make sure your dog doesn’t have access to your cat's litter box because, as scavengers, dogs are likely to consume the contents – not nice, but true! Also, it would be best to separate cats and dogs at mealtimes so both can eat in comfort – you may wish to try feeding in separate rooms or feeding your cat on an elevated surface that your dog cannot reach. 

Finally, make sure your cat gets plenty of opportunity to chase, stalk, and pounce on moving toys. Your dog is unlikely to want your cat to use their tail as a plaything. 

The most important consideration when introducing a new cat to a dog is safety. If your dog is persistently excitable or aggressive around the cat (or vice versa) speak to your vet and discuss a referral to a specialist pet behaviourist. 

Now that you know how to introduce a kitten to a dog or another cat, all you have to do is be patient – you’ll see that in no time, they’ll end up being best friends.