As well as lots of love and attention, you’ll want to give your cat the best protection possible if they are lost or missing. By microchipping your cat, you’re giving them the best chance of being found and safely returned to you if they should wander off.
Why microchip?
There are all sorts of reasons why your cat might go missing. They might get spooked by something and run off, or maybe become disoriented or distracted in a new environment if, for example, you’ve just moved house. Of course, your cat may well be wearing a collar and an identification tag but these could get lost or removed, whereas a microchip will always stay safely in place.
As well as helping to reunite you with your lost pet, a cat microchip can also help if you ever get into a dispute with anyone about who the animal’s rightful owner is.
What is microchipping?
Microchipping a cat is a simple and fast procedure that could help reunite you with your four-legged friend. If your cat is found, a vet or animal shelter can scan your cat’s embedded microchip to find your details, and your cat’s details, from the microchip database. It really is as simple as that!